Easy Yu Sheng

Easy Yu Sheng

YU SHENG made easy. Casey Wong, the Bak Kwa (long yoke) guy came to us with another ingenious idea. Why not take the preparation pain out of the traditional Yu Sheng (“Yee Shang”) dish?  Yes, you can buy the dried ones from Springvale shopping centre for...
Anyone interested in a yangqin?

Anyone interested in a yangqin?

Sabina Rosser, a member of the public approached us to see if anyone was interested in this yongqing. Sabina is happy to donate the instrument to a worthy cause. Email admin@cavinc.com.au if...
CAV School Chinese New Year Celebration

CAV School Chinese New Year Celebration

CAV is organising a Lunar New Year celebration on Sunday 21St February 2021 for the CAV school children and their immediate families. This is an outdoor, picnic style event and all attendees (students, parents and siblings) must register for the event. This is for us...
CAV President Outlines Plans for 2020/1

CAV President Outlines Plans for 2020/1

As I explained during the AGM, we have a 4-pillar strategy that the Executive Board will carry out this year. Rebuild – we will reaffirm the function of EXCO, which is to serve its members. Our board includes representatives from most (if not all) subgroups and school...