by Ruilan Yuan | 27 Jan 2021 | School
尊敬的各位家长: 大家好!愉快的时光总是那样稍纵即逝,相信大家都度过了一个美好而又难忘的假期!本学期我们将返回到校园中实行线下教学! 再次诚挚地提醒各位家长,本周六/日(1月30/31号 )将是我们2021年第一学期开学的第一天,请各位家长留意入学时间! 新生入学仍可在这两天办理相关手续,详情请咨询办公室老师! 开学上课时间: 周六(1月30号):9:30am – 12:15pm 周日(1月31号):9:30am – 12:15pm...
by Ruilan Yuan | 27 Jan 2021 | Exco, School
Dear Parents and Carers, We are very much looking forward to the start of our CAV Chinese School this year, with face to face teaching and learning in our comfortable classrooms. We would kindly remind you that this Saturday & Sunday 30/31 January, will be the...
by Nicholas Lee | 17 Jan 2021 | Exco
I recently came across a new company in Melbourne that made Malaysian Style “Bak Kwa” (or in Cantonese, “Long Yoke”). Long story short, the company uses Australian pork and a Malaysian recipe to make the Bak Kwa. I had to try some, so I ordered a kilogram of Bak Kwa...
by Shirley Teh | 13 Jan 2021 | Exco, Uncategorized
UPDATE: Photos available here. This year, our 2021 Year of the Ox, Yee Sang dinner will be hosted by the CAV EXCO on Saturday, 20th February 2021. It is a good opportunity to bring all CAV members together with their families and friends. This dinner is a popular...
by Shirley Teh | 2 Jan 2021 | Exco, Uncategorized
As per the latest rulings, community facilities can now open, and the two‑square‑metre rule is the only limit on the number of people who can attend. No group limits apply. The Victorian Government has also introduced a new role – “COVID Marshall” to ensure that there...
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