CAV’s Multicultural Policy
Diversity . Equality . Harmony
As Chinese Australians, we are proud of our Chinese heritage and more importantly, we are first and foremost Australians.

Our Multicultural Policy
Australia is not a melting pot, but a mosaic where every culture and racial group is respected and we can all share in the best of the best.
The Chinese Association of Victoria (CAV) is one of Victoria’s leading Asian associations. In its 35 years of existence, CAV has maintained a core set of values and goals which are grounded in both services it provides directly to its members and a grander vision about the rightness of multiculturalism and CAV’s role in promoting this ideal.
Australia is one of the most multicultural nations in the world with more than a quarter of its population born overseas. Since the early 1970’s, the policy of multiculturalism received the endorsement of Liberal and Labor governments. Although the concept of multiculturalism has been around for a while, not everyone ascribes the same meaning to it.
What does it mean to us? Essentially, multiculturalism is about the commitment of Australia to protect cultural minorities from discrimination and prejudice. It acknowledges that all Australians regardless of their background are entitled to equal access to public services. Multiculturalism is not about multiple political loyalties, nor multiple legal systems. It is about loyalty to one legal system, one national language and one common education system.
Australia is not a melting pot, but a mosaic where every culture and racial group is respected and we can all share in the best of the best. We are part and parcel of the fabric of Australian identity and contribute to the making of a vibrant, multi-talented and progressive nation. As Chinese Australians, we are proud of our Chinese heritage and more importantly, we are first and foremost Australians.
Our Statement on Multiculturalism
- Multiculturalism is about the commitment of the nation to protect minorities from discrimination and prejudice. It acknowledges that all Australians regardless of their background should have equal opportunities to participate in the economic, social, cultural and political life of the nation. Government policies should be non-discriminatory in respect of national and ethnic origin, sex or religion.
- We are first and foremost Australians and we are committed to building one Australia for all Australians regardless of our origins. We believe that all new Australians should be encouraged to integrate i.e. participate and contribute to the Australian community without having to abandon their cultural heritage.
- As Australian citizens we abide by the institutions and principles that are basic to Australian society, in particular, parliamentary democracy, rule of law, freedom of the individual, a common education system and English as our national language. Multiculturalism is about loyalty to one legal system, one national language and one common education system. Multiculturalism is based on the recognition that cultural diversity does not threaten social cohesion, rather it is the basis for a harmonious and equitable society.
- A multicultural society such as Australia is about forging unity while respecting the individual’s rights to maintain their religion, language and cultural customs.
The above Statement of Multiculturalism was drafted by Chooi Hon Ho OAM and Yik Chee Ho and endorsed by the CAV Executive Committee in 1998.